Thursday, June 18, 2015

Gain Followers on Instagram 1 of 5 ways to do so.

Here is 1 of 5 ways to gain followers on SnapChat. We see number 3 as being one of the most important ways. Here it is, you can read the full article at the link below. 

3. Use other platforms to tease your Snapchat activity. Give a preview of some exciting thing you’re doing, and then ask your followers to head to Snapchat to see how the day unfolds. Perhaps you’re going overseas, or to a fun event. Either way, posting a teaser to your Instagram followers and caption to follow you on Snapchat for the rest of the details can be very successful in upping your Snapchat count.
This strategy has been incredibly useful for Snapchat influencers, with some vine and Instagram stars now seeing a higher fan count on Snapchat than any other social network: “Three years in, influencers with a huge following on Snapchat like Josh Peck and Logan Paul are now using Snapchat to ask followers to also follow them on Vine or Instagram, because they have so many more followers on Snapchat,” Greg explained.

Read more:

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Be Memorable!

Be fast and memorable
What makes Snapchat unique — and so successful — is that Snapchats are timed. Unlike other text and multimedia messaging platforms, senders can set a time limit for how long receivers can view photos and videos. This can be anywhere from one to 10 seconds, after which the message self-destructs. Although this feature makes the service more engaging for users, it also means that you have a very short window of time to effectively deliver your message.
Marketing on Snapchat needs to state the value proposition very quickly, and call to action needs to be simple, easy and memorable. Remember people can not come back and view it.
Don't just stick to photos — videos also make very effective tools, especially when time is limited.
Whichever strategy you use, make sure that it is targeted! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

If youre going to make Money on SnapChat you will have to stick with it.

"And just like with regular television shows, don’t commit unless you plan to stick to it. Harvey creates and shares one Snapchat Story every single day. Kaye releases his talk show at the same time each week, just like a TV show. As Harvey said: “Either way, choose something and stick with it.”" 
Click here for the full article

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The In's & Out's and Secret Tricks of Snapchat

Before you can make money on Snapchat you need to know the (many) different secrets and tricks to Snapchat. It is worth your time to watch some of these videos that we have put together.

How to use Snapchat:

Snapchat secrets:

Hidden Tricks:

Friday, June 5, 2015

SnapCash -- The Easy Way to get Money on SnapChat

SnapCash is a partnership between Snapchat and Square. Snapchat developed it in house and then brought on the help of Square to manage the financial side.

Here is how it works "After you enter your debit card, it’s securely stored by Square, who will swiftly process your payment and send cash directly to your friend’s bank account. Just swipe into chat, type the dollar sign, an amount (e.g. $11.25), and hit the green button.". 

Easy enough and a great way to get money from your followers.  

Watch the video on SnapCash right here. 

If you are a Photographer -- Make Money on Snapchat

Gary Vaynerchuk is a greek god in marketing.

He talks about how photographers can make money on SnapChat. One really interesting points that he makes is "Snapchat is one of the only platforms that guarantees consumption. If you can play that game and use it as a way to get your work in front of eyeballs, there is a real chance you can get conversion". Watch his video and you will learn what you can do to guarantee that people see your work and have a chance to buy it.